Episode 204 - Investing for Millennials with Dan SolinMillennials are somewhat the "middle child" generation when it comes to saving for retirement. Although, on average, they began saving 10 years earlier than Baby Boomers, Gen Z started at the age of 19, which is 16 years earlier than the average baby boomer, and 6 years earlier than millennials.

As such, although they do have an edge over Boomers, they have to play catch-up vis a vis the Gen Zers. That's why in this episode of the podcast I talk with retired attorney and investment guy Dan Solin on what millennials can do to get to the retirement finish line successfully.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Whether Retirement Should Be Your Investing Goal
  • How Your Behavior Will Determine Whether You Reach Your Retirement Goals
  • What "Consumer Smoothing" Is
  • Whether Adjustable Rate Mortgages are Better Than Fixed Rate Ones
  • Should You Pay Off, or Keep, Your Mortgage


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Steven J. Richardson
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Bankruptcy, Collections, Student Loan, DUI and Traffic Court attorney in Woodbury, NJ.