Having a smart and affordable strategy for college financial aid is critical to starting off on the right financial foot upon graduation and the start of your life. Getting it wrong can mean living with crushing student loan debt. The first step in this process is the completion and submission to the U.S. Department of Education their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) form.
This can be a daunting task for those doing it for the first time (or even those doing it again). So with the 2019-2020 form having just been released on October 1, I wanted to discuss, in this episode of the podcast, some guidance and tips on how to handle the submission of the form. Hopefully, this will assist you in eliminating mistakes and doing it right the first time!
In this episode, I will discuss:
- The myths about the form that lead to procrastination
- Preparing to fill it out
- Tips on filling out the form
- Biggest mistakes to avoid