Graduating from college or university with your degree is a momentous occasion. You finally made it! You’re ready to go out into the real world and make your mark. But this occasion brings with it new challenges that you will have to face, such as finding a job (if you haven’t already) and figuring out how you are going to deal with your student debt.
That’s why in this episode of the podcast, I wanted to talk about how you can meet those challenges by finding the right job, figuring out how you are going to live on the income that job will provide, and how you are going to start payments on your student loans before the grace period ends!
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why starting your student loan repayments now is the best first step
- Student loan repayment strategies for when you don't have a job yet
- Tips on finding your first job
- How to create a rudimentary budget
Links & Resources
- CNBC Article on Financial Independence
- The Balance: Tips for Your Job Search
- Picking a Career Counselor
- Guidelines for a Safe Job Search
- Sallie Mae’s Monthly Budget Worksheet
- Episode 72: Choosing the Right Budget for You
- Episode 47: Preparing Your 2018 Budget
- Episode 48: Budgeting for 2018 - The First 3 Months Are the Hardest