People in financial difficulty are always looking for ways to get out, whether it be by restructuring debt, filing bankruptcy, or rebuilding their credit. Even those that are in great shape want to know how to avoid pitfalls that could create financial problems for them, such as traffic violations, poor income tax planning, insufficient insurance coverage, and the like.
Having the right information for issues like these can lead to better decisions about your finances, your home, your business and many other aspects of your life.
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This saying is rooted in the idea of preventative medicine, and that by being proactive on health issues, you can avoid medical treatment.
Well, a better informed person makes better financial decisions in life that can get them out (or keep them out) of financial difficulty! In this podcast I will provide information and interviews to help you:
- Improve your credit score
- Deal with tax debt
- Get the right insurance for your home, auto, life, and disability
- Live a good life post-bankruptcy
Check out the episodes listed below, or better yet, subscribe! You can do so through iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. You can also listen to each episode on this site.
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Financial Literacy is Very Important, Especially Among the Gen Z. Aaliyah Kissick Has Been Trying to Elevate Their Knowledge. Check Out Her Story in This Episode!Aaliyah Kissick promotes financial literacy to Gen Z with storytelling! Find out how she's helping her generation learn more about money in this episode!
Are You Struggling to Achieve Financial Freedom Because You Find Investing and Financial Planning a Daunting Task? Then Let Misty Lynch Demystify the Process!Been putting off retirement savings because you find the whole process a bit confusing? Check out this episode and let CFP Misty Lynch demystify it for you!
Is Creating a Plan for Retirement Savings on Your To Do List? Then Get the Information and Tips You Need to Get it Done in This Episode!It isn't easy to create a retirement plan. There's so many choices to make and things to figure out. Get the help you need in this episode of the podcast.
Thinking of Starting Your Own Business? Get the Right Personal and Business Mindsets to Do It from Justin Buonomo.Owning a successful small business requires the right money mindset, both personal and business. Make sure you have them by listening to this episode!
Did You Know You Have a Money Narrative? Did You Know It Could Be Holding You Back? Discover More in This Episode!Whether they know it or not, people have a money narrative and it can influence their financial freedom. Discover why in this episode of the podcast!
Approaching Retirement? Wondering When You Should Claim Social Security and What Your Benefits Will Be? Don't Make Any Decisions Before Listening to This Episode!Have questions about Social Security? Don't know when you should claim it or what you will get? Then check out this episode of the podcast for the answers!
Does Your Employer Give You Stock Options? Have You Ever Wondered What They Were, the Benefits, and the Tax Implications? Then Get the Answers in This Episode!Ever wonder what a stock option is? How it works and how you make money? Then check out this episode of the Financial Freedom Podcast to find out!
Retirement Can Be Closer Than You Think! Get the Tips and Advice You Need to Build Wealth and Retire Earlier Than You Ever Thought Possible!You may not have to wait to you're 65 or older to retire. Discover in this episode what you need to do to make that happen years earlier!
Wealthy Means Different Things to Different People. Are You Wealthy? Can You Become Wealthy? Discover How to Achieve Authentic Wealth in This Episode!Before you can set out on a path to become wealthy, you need to define what wealthy means to you. Discover the answer in this episode of the podcast!
Your Whole or Universal Life Insurance Policy Has Worth Way Beyond the Cash Surrender Value! Discover How Much More in This Episode!Did you know you can sell your whole or universal life policy for cash? No, not the surrender value, but much more! Discover how in this episode of the podcast!
Millennials Face Certain Challenges When It Comes to Achieving Financial Freedom and Investing for Retirement. Discover How to Deal with Them in This Episode!If you're a millennial, you know you can face some challenges in saving for retirement. Check out the advice on how to deal with them in this episode!
Learn How to Invest Like the Gen Z, Leverage Your Home Equity, and Maximize Vacation Time in This Episode!What is Gen Z doing with their investing that we should copy? Is now the time to leverage home equity? Get the answers in this episode of the podcast!